Campus Summit 2013: Japanese Fashion Show in Tokyo
Campus Summit is one of the most popular fashion and music shows in Shibuya, the fashion district of Tokyo where hunderds of screaming girls welcome their idols on stage.
It has been one of my main objectives for the past 7 years to attend the incredible and mesmerizing annual Campus Summit show in Shibuya. I planned my entire Asia trip around this event.
Campus Summit is a yearly fashion and performance show for teens and early 20 year olds and includes many famous fashion models from magazines and models from clothing brands such as Ank Rouge, Bonds&Peace, Garula, Cecil McBee, Co&Lu and Liz Lisa.
fashion models on stage at Campus Summit 2013 in Shibuya
The performances included the lovely Misaki, Gal Doll, CocoGirl, Pimm's, Angry Cats and Black Diamond but also included ParaPara shows by ViVid.
I left really early on Friday morning because I did not want to be the last one waiting in line. The lines in Japan can grow to quite ridiculous sizes so make sure to always come super early at any Japanese event.
matt taking a photo with team Vivid
The event ran from 2pm until 10pm which in my opinion is incredibly long for an indoor fashion show event but in Tokyo anything goes.
The first thing I noticed was that the crowd didn't dance to any performances. I am not sure if it is a cultural thing but it was definitely strange.
Black Diamond performing Avant Gyarude at Campus Summit 2013
I also met up with German photographer Michael Steinebach and I would like to thank him for taking some of the most amazing photos seen on the TokyoFashion website which some of them I included in this video.
The event had such a high energy level that I was literally crawling home from exhaustion after the event.
the amazing Campus Summit 2013 after party
I have been collecting the Campus Summit DVD's since 2005 - and they are fun to watch, especially if you like Eurobeat, ParaPara and Trance music.
Stay tuned for my Campus Summit 2013: UNCUT post next week!