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Browsing Through The Shopping Street In Haarlem

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Shopping with my sister in one of the most popular shopping destinations in Holland. Haarlem is known for its laidback atmosphere and cozy bars.

XO restaurant haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands grote markt in haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands leontien in haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands suzuki 750CC in haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands

Shopping with my sister in the great city of Haarlem nearby Amsterdam. Haarlem has one of the best shopping streets in the Netherlands.

canals in haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands bridge in haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands downtown haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands downtown haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands

Haarlem has a rich history dating back to pre-medieval times, as it lies on a thin strip of land above sea level known as the strandwal (beach ridge), which connects Leiden to Alkmaar.

the brinkman in haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands the brinkman in haarlem

The people on this narrow strip of land struggled against the waters of the North Sea from the west, and the waters of the IJ and the Haarlem Lake from the east.

furniture store in haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands porsche in haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands downtown haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands grote markt in haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands grote markt in haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands  in Haarlem, Netherlands  in Haarlem, Netherlands  in Haarlem, Netherlands

Haarlem was able to become wealthy with toll revenues that it collected from ships and travellers moving on this busy North-South route.

beautiful architecture in haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands beautiful architecture in haarlem

However, as shipping became increasingly important economically, the city of Amsterdam became the main Dutch city of North Holland during the Dutch Golden Age.

 in Haarlem, Netherlands shopping in haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands narrow streets in haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands church in haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands  in Haarlem, Netherlands patio in haarlem downtown in Haarlem, Netherlands narrow streets in haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands open air concert on the grote markt in haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands

The town of Halfweg became a suburb, and Haarlem became a quiet bedroom community, and for this reason, Haarlem still has many of its central medieval buildings intact.

many bicycles in haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands many bicycles in haarlem

Today many of them are on the Dutch Heritage register known as Rijksmonuments.

The list of Rijksmonuments in Haarlem gives an overview of these per neighborhood, with the majority in the old city center.

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