Educate Yourself on Quantum Mechanics at the Miraikan Museum in Tokyo
I have an obsession with quantum physics, large hadron colliders and robots, namely Honda's Asimo thus a day at this magnificent museum is a true treat
An educational experiecnce at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in Odaiba.
I was very impressed with the technology on display at the museum. Especially the exposition on the ISS: International Space Station and the robotic equipment.
giant globe at the Miraikan Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
The museum created by Japan's Science and Technology Agency. It is situated in a new purpose-built building in the Odaiba District of Tokyo. Some highlights include real-time displays of data from a huge array of seismometers across Japan which shows the country gently vibrating.
The occasional earthquakes for which Japan is noted show up as larger movements. Visitors can search the on-line database of recent earthquake activity.
where is matt? can you find me?
The prominent Geo-cosmos globe displays near real-time displays of global weather patterns, ocean temperatures and vegetation cover.
A section of rock core taken across the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary (K–T boundary) records a major meteorite impact event that is believed to have led to the final demise of the dinosaurs.
at the Miraikan Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
Asimo, the Honda robot is one of the star attractions along with the model maglev train. Multilingual staff conduct demonstrations about leading edge Japanese science. Miraikan is led by Japanese astronaut Dr. Mamoru Mohri.
Opening times of the Miraikan are between 10:00 and 17:00 daily. Admission Fees for adults is 600 YEN and 480 YEN for 18 years old and under.