Dutch People Love To Party At Santpoort's Festival Week In Holland
De Santpoortse Feestweek, as it is known in Dutch, is an annual festival for young and old to enjoy a giant funfair, night clubs, bars and outdoor activity throughout an entire week of mayhem.
The Santpoortse Feestweek is an annual street party near my hometown of IJmuiden.
Many people will spend the entire week partying and drinking during the summer. Some good events are the live street concerts, food stands (poffertjes,pannenkoeken,snoepkraam), funfair attractions and the horse races.
It was fun to see many of my highschool friends again after years of absence.
I totally recommend this festival if you wonder how the local Dutch population celebrates their warm summers.
I cannot fully remember how I got home but traditionally we do always go by the Shwarma restaurant (Amon-ra)after any night out. It's like getting pizza or chinese in Toronto after a night of clubbing.