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12 Amazing Places You Must See In Stockholm

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Stockholm is the most underrated city of Europe, its beauty touched me deeply and is currently my favorite European city. The food is incredible and the locals are super friendly. Stockholm has to be on your next Eurotrip list!

                                in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm was definitely a highlight of the year beside Dance Valley 2010 and the Cottage Adventure.


Best Places in Stockholm

  • 1. ABSOLUT Icebar

    Freeze your butt off at this ice bar next to the main train station

  • 2. Changing Of The Guards

    Watch the changing of the guards every day around noon

  • 3. Vasa Museum

    Maritime museum featuring the famous fully intact 17th century warship

  • 4. Stockholm Palace

    One of the biggest royal palaces in Europe

  • 5. Gamla Stan

    The historic medieval district of Stockholm

  • 6. Kungsträdgården

    Central park of Stockholm known for his many outdoor cafés makes it one of the most popular hangouts

                                in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden

I jumped straight on a plane to Arlanda Airport after visiting my folks for a few hours in Amsterdam.

  • 7. Stockholm Harbor

    Take a boat cruise around Stockholm

  • 8. Strandbryggan

    Gorgeous cafe located on the bar for great local food

  • 9. Trädgården

    My favorite outdoor lounge where you can meet many Swedish locals

  • 10. Ericsson Globe

    Largest hemispherical building in the world

  • 11. Drottninggatan

    Largest shopping street in Stockholm

  • 12. Berns

    Most incredible European nightclub I have ever been to

                                in Stockholm, Sweden

The trip from Canada was very relaxing. Airtransat did a good job transporting my ass to Europe.

                                in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden

I barely had time to book a hotel in Stockholm so I quickly browsed Google Maps for the closest hotel to Stockholm Central Station.

                                in Stockholm, Sweden

Luckily one was available but it wasn't cheap. If you ever decide to go to Stockholm make sure to stack your wallet because it is truly expensive.

                                in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden

I would definitely love to go back to this city but unfortunately there are so many cool cities still to see.

                                in Stockholm, Sweden

Cool things in Stockholm: Swedish Currency (Kronen), McDonalds Bearnaise, Clubs/Nightlife, Swedish supermarkets and the local museums.

                                in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden                                 in Stockholm, Sweden

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