3 Months Living In Tokyo: My Recommendations!
It was worth every hard earned penny, an experience like no other. These are 9 of my favorite spots I recommend while living in Tokyo.
What an incredible city! I doubt there is any place on earth being able to beat Tokyo on the grounds of entertainment.
It takes a lot of effort trying to entertain 34 million people in one city. During my stay I managed to collect quite some tips for other people interested coming to Tokyo.
comiket at tokyo big sight - world's largest comic book fair
I visited quite some location during my stay in Tokyo: Babershop - Hair Dimension in Aoyama, Barbershop - Oasis in Harajuku, Tokyo, Sushi Mamire in Shinjuku, Tokyo where I became good friends with the owner.
I will try to summarize some of the events I have been to, which can be seen in the pictures: Comiket at Tokyo Big Sight - the world's largest comic book fair - where was also wearing my Cloud Strife cosplay outfit, the Sunshine Building in Ikebukuro, shopping in Shibuya, a Drupal conference in Tokyo, the Tsukiji fish market at 7am for some amazing fresh fish and bar hopping in Kabukicho, Roppongi Hills.
I also visited; the Dutch embassy in Tokyo and going for drinks with my Canadian friend Dave at Kirin City in Ginza.
The Tokyo lifestyle isn't for everyone though, it is very fast and full of energy.
gorgeous scenery at roppongi hills
The Tokyo nightlife is definitely my favorite in the world. The selection of clubs and bars is mind-boggling. From R&B and hiphop clubs to Eurobeat, Techno & Trance to J-Pop.
Some of the nightclubs I really enjoying where: Club Camelot @ Shibuya, Club ATOM @ Shibuya, Studio M's @ Kabukicho and Club Motown.
I learned many new Japanese words during my stay and kept a list of the ones I used most often. Also, some random funny ones because you never know in what kind of situation you end up.
I created a mini dictionary:
- おどり = dancing / to dance
- よっぱら = drunk
- 注意のドアの電車駅 = train door warning
- これから何ですか = what is this?
- 音楽 = music
- ジャックコーラ = Jack Daniels + cola
- テネシーサンライズ = Tennessee Sunrise
- クランベリー = cranberry
- ジャックモヒート = Jack Mojito
- ジャック = Jack (Daniels)
- ピッザ = pizza
- ピッザはおいしいかったです = pizza was delicious
- 新橋 = shimbashi
- 目黒 = meguro
- 代々木 = yoyogi
- 新幹線 = shinkansen
- おさら = a plate (for food)
- おもちかえり - to go (food to go, or coffee to go)
- 玉子 = tamago sushi
- かんこう = sightseeing
- おまもり = necklage
- カーフェ = cafe
- くうこう = Airport
- もまなく = upcoming / next
- おみやげ = present
- 本日 = (honjitsu) today
- 曇り (kumori) = cloudy
- できた (dekita) = ready
- さんかく = triangle
- まる = circle
- ちかい (chikai) = near / closeby
- つかれた (tsukareta) = tired
- 仕事 (shigoto) = work
- じょうす (jousu) = good at something
- 会社 (kaisha) = company
- 眺め (nagame) view
- 新しい Atarashi - new
- 国立競技場駅 = kokuritsu kyogijo station
- まったあとで (matta atode) = one sec / wait a sec
- スイミングプール = swimming pool
- なま = sort of sushi
This little dictionary saved me on numerous occasions. Nothing beats learning perfect Japanese but this will hopefully help someone out there a little bit on their way.