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Shooting Guns in Tokyo at Hollow Point

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Hollow Point is one of the coolest bars to kick off your night in Tokyo, Japan and is conveniently located in the heart of the Roppongi nightlife district. Hollow Point Tokyo has a huge selection of guns ranging from the Walther P38 to the famous Robocop gun to the Japanese Defense Force Type 89.

Tips & Advice
  • What: Hollow Point Roppongi
  • Why: Shoot airsoft guns while drinking beers in Tokyo's nightlife district
  • Where: 5 Chome-1-4 Mutsuwa Building B1F, Roppongi, Tokyo [Map]
  • Price: starts as little as ¥300 ($2 USD) 
  • When: Daily 7:00pm until 1:00am
  • Tips: Type 89 Japanse Defense Force rifle & Robocop Gun
  • Related: Bizarre Penguin Bar

matt with the Robocop gun and paper target in Tokyo, Japan hollow point tokyo - the Japanese gun bar in Tokyo, Japan hollow point tokyo - the Japanese gun bar in Tokyo, Japan beers, guns and fun in Tokyo, Japan

Surprised by their huge collection of famous guns from movies, video games and anime, especially the Ashford golden lugers from the Resident Evil: Code Veronica video game, one of my favorite video games of all time.

hollow point tokyo - the Japanese gun bar in Tokyo, Japan the robocop gun at hollow point tokyo - the Japanese gun bar in Tokyo, Japan type 89, JSDF gun at hollow point tokyo - the Japanese gun bar in Tokyo, Japan the Ashford GOLD LUGERS from the Resident Evil: Code Veronic game in Tokyo, Japan

Now obviously these are not real guns but air-soft guns which shoot tiny round plastic balls. Japan has extremely strict gun regulations in comparison with the USA but these guns still felt very real and are quite fun to shoot. Beers, guns and Rammstein music makes for quite a fun evening. Also, the owner of Hollow Point is a pretty chill dude!

matt & haruna at Hollow Point Tokyo - the gun bar in Tokyo, Japan matt & haruna at Hollow Point Tokyo - the gun bar

You can shoot bottles and paper targets which makes for a cool souvenir. The top 3 guns to shoot at Hollow Point are definitely the Robocop gun, the Lupin gun and the Japanese defense force type 89 rifle.

Hollow Point is quite affordable, rates start at ¥300 yen, that's not even $3 US dollars, all the way up to ¥ 4500 yen, around $40 bucks for the M249 saw, beers will set you back ¥800 yen, $7 us dollars.

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