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Creepiest Museum in Switzerland

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The HR Giger museum has been on my bucket list for many years due to it being one of the most bizarre museums in Europe. A creation by HR Giger where he displays all his incredible surreal works.

Tips & Advice
  • Where: HR Giger Museum [Map]
  • Hours: Mon/Tue Closed | Wed/Thu/Fri 1pm-5pm | Sat/Sun 10am - 6pm 
  • Price: 12.50 CHF ($13.00 USD) per person
  • Phone: +41 26 921 22 00 (English is spoken)
  • Why: Creepiest Museum in Switzerland by surrealist artist HR Giger
  • Notes: Watch the entire Alien Series which HR Giger help design, like my favorites; Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 & Prometheus

inside the HR Giger bar in Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland giant Alien from the movie series 'Alien' at HR Giger Museum in Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland Reformatt at the HR Giger Bar in Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland

The HR Giger Museum counts many floors in multiple buildings, it’s an extensive collection of HR Giger's art. Sadly I couldn't record any footage inside the actual museum except for the gift shop and the HR Giger bar but let me tell you, my mind was blown away by the immense creepy art.

Museum Bar HR Giger in Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland HR Giger Museum in Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland HR Giger Museum in Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland

The museum also features an even creepier sexual art section which should only be explored by the strong minded ones among us.

visiting the HR Giger Musuem in Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland visiting the HR Giger Musuem in Gruyères, Switzerland

The Alien franchise is one of my favorite movie series out there, the surreal science-fiction horror genre became one of my favorites after watching these movies. I am extremely looking forward to the upcoming movie Prometheus 2 which will undoubtedly feature more of HR Giger's design even though sadly HR Giger passed away in 2014.

large alien model at HR Giger Museum in Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland Alien design at HR Giger Museum at Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland chocolate from Cailler in Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland Cailler Chocolate Factory in Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland chocolate in Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland Cailler in Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland

In order to drive to Gruyeres, we made a few pit stops at Lausanne, Montreux, Chateau de Chillon and Broc where we visited the Cailler chocolate museum. At least visiting the HR Giger comes with a very enjoyable road trip since no airport is nearby Gruyeres thus very hard to get to.

pitstop at the gorgeous waterfront & castle in Lausanne, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland pitstop at the gorgeous waterfront & castle in Lausanne, Switzerland

Lausanne was exceptionally beautiful with its gorgeous the waterfront which must have been one of the best in the country.

our ride, Mini Cooper in Lausanne in Gruyeres, Switzerland Lausanne in Gruyeres, Switzerland Lausanne in Gruyeres, Switzerland Reformatt in Lausanne in Gruyeres, Switzerland pitstop coffees with my mom in Lausanne, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland our final stop in Switzerland - Basel in Gruyeres, Switzerland road trip from Montreaux to Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland final beers in Basel, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland

Basel was a quiet little town at which my mom and I parted ways, I jumped on the TGV heading towards Paris and my mom headed for Germany. 

skyline of Basel - our final stop in Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland skyline of Basel - our final stop in Switzerland

In conclusion, Switzerland is one of the most incredible destinations in Europe but be warned, this country can be very expensive if you don't prepare accordingly.

admiring the waterfront in Lausanne, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland Lausanne, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland Lausanne, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland HR Giger Bar in Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland on the train from Bern to Basel in Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland crazy rainy day in Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland creepy handbags at HR Giger Museum in Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland creepy postcards in Gruyères, Switzerland in Gruyeres, Switzerland

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to not miss next Tuesday's episode from Switzerland.

Buy Tickets for Gruyeres
