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Mirror Maze in San Francisco

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Magowan's Infinite Mirror Maze is one of the most unique places in San Francisco. Get lost in a maze of mirrors and disco lights!

Tips & Advice
  • What: Magowan's Infinite Mirror Maze 
  • Where: Building O-11, San Francisco, CA 94111, United States [Map]
  • When: 10am to 7pm (daily)
  • Price: $5
  • Why: Get lost while you feel like you're on psychotropic drugs.

Most psychedelic place one can legally reach within the city limits. Black lights set this labyrinth of mirrors a glow, making you completely lose track of where you are and where you are trying to go. Plus, they let you stay and trip out as long as you want.

It is in my opinion the best $5 you'll spend in San Francisco!

 in San Francisco, United States

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