Bonkura BBQ 2013 in Akiruno, Japan
Meeting up with my good friends at a BBQ party in the far west end of Tokyo where we grilled a bunch of pork and got drunk in the nearby river.
Prior to my trip to Tokyo I got invited to the Bonkura BBQ which is held every year in the far westend of Tokyo.
Many of the attendees are big in the ParaPara scene in Japan who most of them I met again at SEF Maharaja later that week. It was a long train ride from downtown Tokyo to Akihuro where it was unfortunately raining upon arrival.
hanging with my friends at the Bonkura BBQ in Japan
I tried to find my friends by walking through the many BBQ tents at the site where I eventually found everyone near the end underneath the bridge.
It was amazing seeing people who I have only been friends with on Facebook for many years but never met in person, it is indeed an unique experience to finally meet people on the other side of the world after years of online interaction.
BBQ site in Akiruno West of Tokyo
I arrived way too late to participate in the main BBQ event which had started 6 hours prior but luckily there were still some peeps-with-eats.
Ken-ya, one of the most famous Paralists around, performed a melon cut by using his forehead.
tin can recycling trays at the Bonkura BBQ in Japan
Once the melon was cut they started the melonhead routine where they slam pieces of melon on someone's head and poor alcohol on another piece for consumption.
I ended up a little to hammered by the end of the event. Some of us took the evening train back to Tokyo on which I met a few senior citizens that initiated a fun conversation about Japan's history and the future of this fantastic island nation.