Reuniting With My Family & Friends In Europe For Christmas
Besides meeting with family & friends I usually crave for Dutch snacks and foods upon arrival in the Netherlands. My favorite one being fresh Dutch herring at the airport which is a local delicacy.
It's always great to go back home to meet friends, family and people I haven't seen in more than 10 years. Also this year was a total blast.
I was invited to a reunion of the 'City' which was a movie theater in my sub-urb where I used to work in the 90's. It was great catching up and laugh about old stories, dumb things we did and events witnessed while being employeed.
My brother and I helped my mom move into her new condo and were rewarded by some nice Indonesian dishes at Manor Chinese Restaurant in Santpoort.
Of course a visit to my hometown wouldn't be complete with nightly videogame battles between my brother, my best friend and myself.
I tried to eat a 'Broodje Haring' daily since it is the most delicious sandwich in the world. Raw herring filet with raw chopped onions on a bun.
Other things I missed while living in Canada were the Fristi (Yogurt drink), HEMA worst, dutch-indonesian cuisine, broodje kroket, dutch chips, ewrtensoep and bitterballen.