The Island Of Women Known In Spanish As Isla Mujeres
The most beautiful beaches in Mexico can be found on Isla Mujeres, this tropical destination is right of the coast of Cancun and is surrounded by the clearest blue water you have ever seen.
I couldn't stay in bed the entire vacation thus I decided to go to Isla Mujeres on Thursday.
The boat was a 2 part sail ship, a fantastic ship. The crew was hilarious and the other passengers were a high-school class from Chicago and a university class from Spain.
First everybody went snorkeling and after we left for Isla Mujeres (island of women). The water was unbelievable clear, you could literally see the bottom of the sea.
The island was pretty unique, it only took 6 blocks to cross in order to reach the other side of the island thus the population is totally dependent on its tourism.
The beaches must have been the most beautiful I have ever seen yet, white sands and blue oceans.
Ferry boats run every half hour during daylight between the island and Puerto Juárez or Puerto Cancún on the mainland. The island is popular with day trippers, but activity quiets down in the evening after the tour groups leave. There are numerous places to eat fresh seafood, as well as Maya cuisine.
Hotel prices vary from cheap to very expensive at the resorts on the southwest end such as Hotel Villa Rolandi. On the east is the Caribbean Sea with a strong surf and rocky coast, and on the west the skyline of Cancún is seen across the clear waters.
On the north end is El Centro (downtown), whose central axis, Hidalgo Street, is the main dining and entertainment area. Also located on the north end is a famous beach called Playa Norte, which has recovered quickly since Hurricane Wilma hit the area in 2005.
The island of Isla Mujeres is located close to one of many coral reefs, and the area is popular for its snorkeling and scuba diving. Isla Mujeres is also home to a population of sea turtles.
Because of the recent endangerment of sea turtles in the area, a facility was set up on the southern end of the island for the rehabilitation and breeding of them. This facility is open to the public.