Rebellious Japanese Gyaru Fashion at Anime North 2014
As the only group in Canada promoting rebelious Japanese Gyaru fashion, at Anime North we do believe we are at the forefront of a new fashion generation by obtaining international recognition.
After the success of our first Gyaru fashion show last year at Anime North we decided on making a comeback.
The fashion show was being held at the Toronto Congress Centre instead of the Ballroom at the Double Tree hotel so there was lots of space for the event.
We all made it barely on time but luckily we were 9th on the catwalk list thus had some time to spare throughout the show.
A special thanks goes out to Raymond Santos for taking some of the amazing catwalk photos.
Canada Gyaru Circle prior to the fashion show
I was rocking my new Shibuya gear I purchased last summer in Tokyo at Shibuya 109mens. Primarily Diavlo gear which is my favorite fashion brand, including a cap, shirt, pouch, belt and shoes by Sabgreed.
Unfortunately after the show our group quickly dispersed due to most members having other plans for the final day at Anime North 2014.
We enjoyed a few snacks and drinks at Kelsey's before parting but we are planning on making a 3rd appearance at the Anime North fashion show next year so please support the show if you can.
If you like Gyaru fashion as much as I do than please check out my dedicated Gyaru blog page.